BigCommerce vs Shopify - Which E-commerce Platform is the Best for Business?

January 15, 2022


Online stores have become increasingly popular in recent years, with eCommerce platform providers expanding their services to accommodate a variety of business needs. When it comes to choosing an eCommerce platform for your online store, you want to make sure you choose the best one. In this blog post, we will compare two of the most popular eCommerce platforms - BigCommerce and Shopify.

Ease of use

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing an eCommerce platform is its ease of use. Both BigCommerce and Shopify have user-friendly interfaces that make it easy for users to set up their online stores. However, Shopify has an edge in this category due to its more intuitive interface, making it easier to navigate.


Pricing is another significant factor that businesses consider when choosing an eCommerce platform. Both BigCommerce and Shopify offer different pricing packages. The pricing packages for BigCommerce range from $29.95 per month to $299.95 per month, whereas Shopify’s pricing packages range from $29 to $299 per month. Shopify's packages are slightly cheaper than BigCommerce's but both are comparable in terms of features.


When it comes to features, both BigCommerce and Shopify offer a vast range to appeal to their target audience. However, Shopify has a more extensive app store, providing users with more flexibility and options to extend their stores. BigCommerce offers features such as multi-currency support, bulk product import/export, and faceted search out-of-the-box, while Shopify offers features such as multiple fulfillment options, abandoned cart recovery, and social media selling integrations.


Both platforms allow users to customize their online stores to align with their brands, but the extent of customization options may differ. BigCommerce offers a wide range of customization options, but Shopify is the clear winner when it comes to flexibility and control over website design. With Shopify, users may access the platform's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing for greater design control and customizations.


Integrations are an essential element of any eCommerce platform. Both BigCommerce and Shopify integrate with popular third-party applications and tools, such as Google Analytics and Mailchimp. However, Shopify has greater integrations with payment gateways, social media platforms, and shipping carriers, providing their users with more possibilities.

Customer support

As an eCommerce business owner, you want to be sure that you have the help and support you need when you need it. Both BigCommerce and Shopify offer comprehensive support, including email, phone, and chat support, as well as a robust knowledge base. However, Shopify offers additional support channels like its proactive technical support for Plus customers.


After evaluating the five categories, it is clear that Shopify outperforms BigCommerce in terms of ease of use, design customization, and number of integrations. However, BigCommerce has features that Shopify does not have out-of-the-box, such as multi-currency support and faceted search. Ultimately, the choice between BigCommerce and Shopify comes down to your business needs and preferences.


  1. BigCommerce pricing:
  2. Shopify pricing:
  3. BigCommerce features:
  4. Shopify features:
  5. BigCommerce customization:
  6. Shopify customization:
  7. BigCommerce integrations:
  8. Shopify integrations:

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